Become A Member
Membership Levels for NLP Professionals.
- Open to individuals who are interested in the field of NLP to improve their own life or the lives of others and wishes to further their knowledge with the latest information and developments within the NLP community.
- Will have completed an introductory training in NLP such as a Diploma or a CPD course in NLP or a purely online course without any live interaction or assessment by a Certified NLP Trainer that does not meet our Practitioner standards.
- Requires adherence and signatory to the IRNCH Code of Conduct and Ethics and IRNCH Membership Terms and Conditions.
- An IRNCH recognised NLP Practitioner Certification. (Certificate to be submitted)*
- Requires adherence and signatory to the IRNCH Code of Conduct and Ethics and IRNCH Membership Terms and Conditions.
- Commit to ongoing professional development within the field of NLP and keep a record of such.
- Must hold current professional indemnity/liability insurance to protect their clients. (Certificate to be submitted)*
*This certification must have a live training and evaluation element which is conducted by a IRNCH recognised NLP Trainer, Master Practitioner (under supervision of a recognised NLP Trainer) or IRNCH recognised Master Trainer and a minimum total programme learning time of 100 hrs.
*The curriculum of the course will be compared to the IRNCH certification standards Click here to see the IRNCH rercognised NLP Practitioner Certification Standards.
- An IRNCH recognised NLP Master Practitioner Certification. (Certificate to be submitted)*
- Requires adherence and signatory to the IRNCH Code of Conduct and Ethics and IRNCH Membership Terms and Conditions.
- Commit to ongoing professional development within the field of NLP and keep a record of such.
- Must hold current professional indemnity/liability insurance to protect their clients. (Certificate to be submitted)*
* This certification must have a live training and evaluation element which is conducted by a IRNCH recognised Certified NLP Trainer, Certified Master Practitioner (under supervision of a recognised Certified NLP Trainer) or IRNCH recognised Certified Master Trainer and a minimum total programme learning time of 100 hrs.
*The curriculum of the course will be compared to the IRNCH certification standards Click here to see the IRNCH rercognised NLP Master Practitioner Certification Standards.
- A valid NLP Trainers Certification *
- Requires adherence and signatory to the IRNCH Code of Conduct and Ethics and IRNCH Membership Terms and Conditions.
- Commit to ongoing professional development and keep a record of such.
- Must hold professional indemnity/liability insurance to protect their clients and students. (Certificate to be submitted)*
*This certification must have a live training and evaluation element which is conducted by a IRNCH recognised Certified NLP Master Trainer, Certified NLP Trainer (under supervision of a recognised Certified NLP Master Trainer) and a minimum total programme learning time of 100 hrs.
*The curriculum of the course will be compared to the IRNCH certification standards Click here to see the IRNCH recognised NLP Trainer Certification Standards.
- A valid NLP Master Trainers Certification * (Certificate to be submitted)
- Requires adherence and signatory to the IRNCH Code of Conduct and Ethicsand IRNCH Membership Terms and Conditions.
- Commit to ongoing professional development and keep a record of such.
- Must hold professional indemnity/liability insurance to protect their clients and students. (Certificate to be submitted)
*The elements of the Master Trainer programme will be compared to the IRNCH certification standards Click here to see the IRNCH recognised NLP Master Trainer Certification Standards.